
Books & Publications

thresheld (forthcoming, 2023)

Pre-order thresheld now!

thresheld is Romeo Romero’s second collection of poetry. 

thresheld is all about making a home out of the space between worlds. Through its pages, poetry explores the many places where two opposing forces meet and meld: spirituality & secularism; life & death; hurt & healing; past & future. 

While continuing to honor the experiences of being mixed-boricua-jewish and gender-fluid, this book begins to disentangle feelings of loss & yearning from any one identity and  create a sense of comfort in the truth that at the end of the day, we are all just deeply human: we feel, we grieve, we suffer, we play. And, we belong.

Several poems included in thresheld were originally written for use in services by Nishmat Shoom, a radical, queer, collaborative, non-zionist, magical, diasporist, inclusive Jewish minyan that existed in western massachusetts from 2018-2022. 

thresheld will be published this Fall, but you can pre-order your copy now. 

descendant (2018)

The child of both the Jewish and Puerto Rican diasporas, Romeo Romero writes themself a place to exist in their first collection of poetry. As a mixed race, mixed class, and mixed gender person, they have learned to forge belonging beyond the binaries that structure so much of the western world. Here you’ll find the writings of a historically displaced person uncovering/growing/watering roots within their own body and spirit, because it’s the only place they’ve got left.

descendant is a gift, for my ancestors, to heal the wounds they could not.

descendant is an inheritance, for my descendants, to find belonging and resonance in their struggle.

descendant is a relief, for myself, to give up the responsibility of being the only harbor for these truths.

descendant is an offering, for the readers, to always remember that we are not alone.

descendant is available on

To book Romeo for a reading or workshop, please visit their booking page.

***Do you live in Western Mass? Email Romeo at to request a copy direct (they receive more $ this way, and they'll write you a sweet note!)***